If you’re making films, music videos or commercials using RAW cameras and you’re not yet aware of this great new tool, allow us to introduce RAW4PRO software.

RAW4PRO accomplishes two tasks with just one click:
- it offloads your RAW DNG clips and JPG time lapses and
- it prepares small video proxies with time code and audio for easy playback/sharing/editing and cataloging.
RAW4PRO also allows you to see what each of your JPG time lapse sequences looks like. That’s why RAW4PRO is the perfect supplement to Daminion.
‘RAW4PRO and Daminion make a great team: RAW4PRO prepares JPG time lapse previews and video proxies while Daminion provides cataloging and tagging. We use Daminion to catalog our footage not only because it’s an amazing Media Management System but also because it’s free! Originally designed as a photo cataloger, it works beautifully for videos and sound as well.’- Alex, the RAW4PRO developer.
RAW4PRO allows you to automate tons of tedious tasks (like creating proxies, synchronizing video with audio, making time lapses’ previews, saving originals in 1 folder and proxies in another and much more besides) and avoid making errors while you do it.
Check out these video tutorials and see just how simple it is to use RAW4PRO.
System requirements and additional information:
- Windows OS 7 or 8, either x32 or x64 bit.
- H.264 video output (proxy): encoder comes free with RAW4PRO – no separate installation needed.
- DNxHD video output (same as ProRes): encoder comes free with RAW4PRO – no separate installation needed.
- DNxHD decoder is also free, download link included with RAW4PRO in case you don’t have it installed yet.
- Cineform video output (optional, if you need this codec): separate download – requires Cineform/GoPro Studio Pro, which must come with dpx2cf utility. They are currently offering a full-featured trial.
For more information, and to download the latest version of RAW4PRO, please visit http://Raw4pro.com