Digital Asset Management Platform


Civil Enginering Companies

Who steel your time?

Every day, hidden thieves steal your coworkers' time in ways they don't even notice. One of them is a disorganized media archive that demands endless browsing through various folders and files. This constant search affects everyone who works with your media library: marketers, salespeople, architects, constructors, managers, and more...

And often, it goes unnoticed. Sometimes, you realize that you started the day planning to complete five tasks, but ended up finishing just one.

How do they manage to do this so brazenly, in broad daylight, affecting almost everyone, with few even aware of it?

Because they mimic work. You think you're getting the job done. In reality, you're caught up in a cycle of useless and endless tasks. Every day.

Like searching for the right file across numerous network drives and folders, opening incorrectly named files like 'MyDocWithSomeDrawing.PDF' without clear visual thumbnails or descriptions.

Coworkers end up disturbing each other.

If you calculate the amount of time these thieves steal from your company or department, you'd be surprised. On average, it's hundreds of hours monthly for a marketing, sales, or design department of 20 people.

Catch these thieves and tame the chaos they use to steal your corporate time and money.

Daminion - The Digital Asset Management Solution that protects you from time theft.
4.7/5 on G2

Rev Up Your Marketing and Sales Efficiency by Daminion

Why is it important to have your media archive organized?
Because it serves as a key ingredient in making your marketing and sales teams more effective, productive, and profitable.

Centralize, Organize, Access

Navigate through your project photos and docs with unprecedented ease and speed. Daminion brings all your digital assets into one secure location.

Secure and Fast
On-Premise DAM

Workflows tailored for civil engineering projects.

20 years of industry expertise.
1000+ clients

Why Daminion

Quick Access to Organized Assets

Eliminate endless folder/file browsing with instant access to the right assets using tags and quick filters.

Benefit from controlled granular access permissions for enhanced security and efficiency.
Available as

On-Premise Version


Cloud Version

Access by Project and Location

Visualize your projects in real-time with our GPS view feature, enhancing location-based decision-making and efficiency

Efficient Organization

Unlike the basic file/folder system, we offer project-based metadata, making it easier to connect and find related photos and documents.

It's all about saving those hours you might not even realize you're losing.

Quick access to the right assets means meeting deadlines and responding faster to clients and partners, boosting your company's efficiency in the process
Customer Opinion

“Now, when we have Daminion the required files can be found in a matter of seconds.

Even if we don’t know the exact file we are looking for, we can search for an image that belongs to a certain category or a tag, and then see all images that fall under selected criteria, and also apply some additional tags to narrow down the search.”

David Wilson
IT Director, Hedrick Brothers Construction

Get Started with Daminion

Book your quick 20-minute chat with our expert to dive into your digital asset management needs and unlock your free Daminion trial. Let's make managing assets a breeze!

Preview and organize 150+ file formats

"If you don't see a quality thumbnail of a document you need to open it just to see that you opened a wrong file"
Select file type below to see how Daminion previews different media formats

Other Benefits

Data Security

Daminion Local version can be installed behind your firewall with maximum protection and accessibility.

Fast & Reliable

The On-Premise version ensures your assets remain on your infrastructure and doesn't compromise on performance or reliability.

First-Class Support

Most of our clients love us for the combination of a product that enhances their effectiveness and a first-class support team that quickly resolves any issues that arise.

All is Organized

Being organized means being efficient. Compete effectively, win over clients, and take control of your business.

Effortless Usability

Think of a tool that's a breeze to set up and a joy to use. We've designed our interface to be as straightforward as possible.

No complicated processes, even if you're someone who finds the File Browser challenging.

No Vendor Lock-in

Data can be moved to another system if necessary, preventing vendor lock-in via open-source formats like XML.

Deploy as 1-2-3

Migrating to Daminion is easy and fast. We guide you through every step for a hassle-free switch. Below is typical deployment time frame for 100k media archive


Install Daminion Server and map AD Groups to Daminion Roles.
30 min - 1 hour
by IT admin


Point Daminion where your digital assets are located.
10-15 hours
by Daminion


Most of the tags will be detected automatically. For manual tagging use our best in class batch tagging tools.
5-30 hours
by Daminion and Project Manager

With any questions we’re here for you, every step of the way.

We outperform your requirements checklist

  • The ability to effectively organize photos, video and documents, particularly by location and project
  • Superior tagging capabilities: automatic AI tagging, batch tagging, custom tags, hierarchical tags, geo tags
  • Reliable solution from a mature company with 20 years on the market
  • Has a local on-premise version that works with existing media library on a corporate File Server
  • Ideal for all departments and supports also images, videos, audio, vectors images and documents
  • Full text search across PDF and Word documents
  • Granular access permission roles
  • Super easy web and desktop interfaces with low learning curve
  • Responsive and helpful customer service, coupled with a knowledge base or set of articles to assist users
  • Affordable pricing for better ROI
  • Fast deployment

Chill, Daminion sorts the mess.

"Your files’ bestie? It’s Daminion

Start organizing your civil engineering digital assets today to enhance your marketing and sales efforts!

Frequently Asked Questions