POLAK and FRIENDS is an advertising agency based in Salzburg (Austria) with a customer structure that is both national and international. We specialise in creative marketing and advertising concepts.
POLAK and FRIENDS is an advertising agency based in Salzburg (Austria) with a customer structure that is both national and international. They specialize in creative marketing and advertising for various industries such as trade, tourism, industry, services, and media.
Some of their clients are: Angermann Stahlzargen, Bayrische Seenschifffahrt, Leube — Zementwerk, Markilux, Opernreisen.com, Salzburger Christkindlmarkt, Salzburger Volkskultur, Salzburger Wirtshauskultur, and many more…
We have been using Daminion for a little over a year and have found in it the perfect solution for storing as well as neatly organising and processing our photo archive, which contains approximately 120,000 photos and videos, with more arriving every day
The Problem
We specialize in creative marketing and advertising concepts and we love making our clients more successful by delivering concepts and ideas with passion and gusto.
For over 9500 days, we have been creating brands and corporate designs as well as drafting catchy offline and online campaigns for our clients from various branches such as commerce, tourism, industry, service, media and handcrafts. And no matter what the client’s briefing is like, we condense it into an inspiring creative outline, always with the most significant points in FOCUS – the product, the target group, the unique detail – that’s what effective campaigns are made of.
… Creativity knows no bounds and, for us, creativity is a multifaceted term. Of course, imagination is paramount. However, just as crucial is implementing it for both spontaneous and planned reactions to market trends as well as acting at exactly the right moment in cooperation with our clients.
Finding solutions is another aspect of creativity that is equally essential to us. And that is why we are such a great match for Daminion!
How Daminion Helped Us
We have been using Daminion for a little over a year and have found in it the perfect solution for storing as well as neatly organising and processing our photo archive, which contains approximately 120,000 photos and videos, with more arriving every day.
With Daminion we maintain a clear overview despite the large volume and we can sort selectively and assess photos. We now have a long-term and professional solution for our archive of print, web and press photos. Being able to define every photo as we wish and label each with copyright information leaves no questions unanswered, even years later.
Our internal work processes have improved dramatically since we have begun using Daminion.
When photo shooting sessions for our clients are over, the photographer sends us a large number of photos in three different resolutions (RAW, Print, Web), which we screen before passing our selection on to the client. Already at this stage, Daminion scores on logic and functionality. It takes almost no time at all for us to choose, categorise and assess the top photos.
Every aspect of organising photos with Daminion is clear and simple. Expanded search functions and the option to match photos directly to their respective jobs are some of our favourite features.