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Daminion Team

Dean Kruger

Daminion Expert and Online Trainer
Digital Asset Manager and Head of Research Department at Juice Film. Daminion Administrator and User Training expert since 2011

[email protected]
[email protected]

View my Daminion content on Youtube
  • With over a decade of experience in digital asset management, Dean Kruger is a leading expert and certified trainer for Daminion. Her passion lies in assisting organizations, from startups to global enterprises, in streamlining their digital content workflows. Having overseen the curation of over a million digital assets, Dean's strategies are both practical and innovative, ensuring teams can access, manage, and distribute their assets efficiently.

    Beyond her role at Daminion, Dean frequently hosts workshops and webinars, imparting industry best practices and Daminion platform insights. She is a contributing author to various industry publications and is often sought out as a speaker for major conferences.