Microdrones’ flying robot films African wildlife, finds peace with nature

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Microdrone md4-1000Calling all armchair nature-watchers! Fancy a close up bird’s-eye-view of the Serengeti National Park hovering only feet above the grassy savanna; rubbing shoulders with zebras, elephants, dik-diks (a type of antelope, honest) and a host other wild beasts as they go about their daily business oblivious to your prying eyes?

Well now’s your chance thanks to Microdrones’ MD4-100 quadrotor (seen here taking a well-earned break in the shade of what looks like a tree).

TBS Japan recently used this benevolent drone to film a fascinating nature documentary.

The size of the machine, its relatively low noise level and the fact that it glides and hovers like a bird meant that the animals took little or no notice of it, enabling it to flit amongst them and capture shots that would be impossible using more cumbersome, conventional camera equipment.

Heck, that’s enough of my droning! See for yourself!


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Co-founder and CEO of Daminion Software. I like traveling, cycling and when my colleagues smile at the office )