Major improvements in this version include shared collections in web client that allow you to quickly share documents with colleagues and clients; faster batch tag-assignment; support for video playback in web client; drag’n’drop tag assignment in web client; faster optimization of the database; the “Does not contain” condition for some tags in advanced search.
Major Improvements
1. Shared collections
A great addition for teams who need to share files without having to give clients or colleagues direct access to the whole catalog. You can quickly share your documents now via Shared Collections in Web client with precise sharing options: expiration date, password-protected access, access to original hi-res file version. Learn more about shared collections.
2. Support for video playback in web client
Now MPEG4 (AVC codec) and WebM can be played directly from within web client, thus saving you from having to open these files in desktop video players. Support for other video formats is planned for future Daminion releases.
3. Drag’n’drop tag assignment in web client
Assigning tags to files in web client is now faster and more convenient. Tags can now be assigned by dragging and dropping selected items to the necessary tag in the browse panel. Learn more.
4. Faster batch tag-assignment in desktop client
Assigning multiple tags for multiple files is now up to 5 times faster.
5. Faster optimization of the database
The optimization process which helps keep the database up-to-date no longer hangs on large databases (more than 2 million files), and even runs significantly faster on small databases.
6. “Does not contain” condition added for some tags
The “Does not contain” condition has been added to Advanced Search for Title, Description, Comment, Rights Usage Terms, Imported By, and for all custom tags of long text format (should be set up to display in the Properties panel only) which makes your search results more precise.
Minor Improvements
- A folder containing a certain file can now be opened directly from within Web Client via the Locate Button on the Properties panel. You must have access permissions to this folder
- Alphabetic sort order for custom tags in the Custom Tags dialog window
- Work faster with multiple catalogs opened simultaneously
- Now possible to preview files in new tab in web client by clicking the file name
- Faster login speed for the web catalog when AD Group Mapping authentication mode is selected
- Export of usage history to Excel: Usage History information can now be included in the Export to CSV file.
- A range of other minor improvements
Bug Fixes
- Fixed bug with broken sorting order in Group-Tags
- Fixed bug when the option “Assign Tags to Selected Items” didn’t work in the Tags panel for local catalogs
- Fixed bug with a pending desktop client when logging in to the catalog with AD group credentials
- Fixed bug with duplicating items in the collection created from within the Tray
- Fixed bug with duplicate unapproved entries in ISO, Focal Length and Shutter Speed
- Fixed bug with reading tags from file
- Fixed bug when the preventing option “Clear Tray” option didn’t from working
- Fixed bug when the tag Client and Project couldn’t be assigned to video files in the Properties panel
- Fixed bug when XMP sidecar files lost their original extension when uploading RAW files to the server
- Fixed bug when a user role on per-catalog basis couldn’t be changed if AD user mapping authentication mode was selected
- Fixed bug when the Relink option didn’t update the file paths in the database
- Fixed bug when moving folders within Daminion didn’t update the file paths
- Fixed bug when default view settings couldn’t be adjusted for all users
- Fixed bug when merging tags didn’t update tag values in files metadata
- Fixed bug with IIS installation
- Fixed bug when a renamed folder got went missing
- Fixed bug when “Imported by > does not match” condition displayed the results of the “matches” condition
- Fixed bug when the error message “Not Allowed By Security Policy” appeared when trying to open “Contents” and “Tutorials”
from within Daminion desktop client - Fixed bug when the hierarchy added via Tag Editor wasn’t saved and displayed in the Browse panel in web client
- Fixed bug when Locked Tags got unlocked in web client
- Fixed bug when editions made in Creation DateTime and License Expiration Date via web client wasn’t saved
- Fixed bug when custom tag of long text format didn’t allow line folding
- Fixed bug when the item couldn’t be scrolled down after 1000 items in the web client
- Fixed bug when deleting a saved search provoked caused the program to crash
- Fixed bug when tag custom tags of Currency format were not written to file’s metadata
- Fixed bug when Desktop client window was not expanded after entering login credentials were entered
- Fixed bug when the thumbnail view was not refreshed if the Map was open
- Fixed bug when the Save button disappeared on the Properties panel after opening and closing an item in Full-Screen view
- Fixed bug when the Client stopped working after creating a Tag Preset via Alt+Shift+C (Copy Tags option)
- Fixed bug when manual sorting got broken in collections
- Minor bug fixes