Dean Kruger

Digital Asset Manager and Head of Research Department at Gatehouse Commercials. Daminion Administrator and User Training expert since 2011. I love street photography and find every excuse I can to go out and shoot unsuspecting strangers in the urban jungle.
31 Articles

Latest Stories from Dean Kruger

How do you future proof your Digital Assets?

2019 is a busy year for technology, and especially for…

Why does a marketing team in tourism need a DAM?

When marketing a tourism destination or experience, images and video…

Are you trying to Sway me from using PowerPoint?

We use our digital assets in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations every…

Top 10 benefits of Daminion Digital Asset Management System

Daminion Server and the Digital Asset Management market are growing…

Control the monster – Saved Searches and Collections.

What is the difference between a Saved Search and a…

Categories, Keywords (tags) and the difference between them

Categories and keywords - how do they differ? When starting…