Interviews with successful people

2 Min Read

We decided to launch a new blog rubric: Interviews with successful people.

Yes, I realize we are a software company and this is not a typical blog topic for companies like ours, I think many of you will enjoy reading the real world success stories.

We’ll interview successful people, entrepreneurs and small & medium business owners, because Daminion Server is designed for small businesses and small creative teams.

I hope you like our idea.

Below is a list of 20 questions we provide to those being interviewed. They select the questions they want to answer. If you have any suggestions or wish to suggest new questions, we welcome them!

Our questions

  1. What is your company turnover?
  2. How many people work in your company and how many of those work remotely?
  3. What is your big advantage over your competitors?
  4. Which of your competitors would you remove from the chessboard with pleasure?
  5. Do you have an exit strategy?
  6. If you could go back to when you first thought about starting your business, would you change your decision? What things would you do differently?
  7. How did you generate sales when you started the business?
  8. How did you select the name for your company?
  9. How did you come to the current business?
  10. What are the qualities needed to succeed in business?
  11. Who are the people you most respect?
  12. Name the Top 3 books you have read.
  13. What are your goals for the near future?
  14. How does an entrepreneur go about selecting a business idea?
  15. What mistakes should be avoided by novice businesspeople?
  16. What things should the budding entrepreneurs focus on?
  17. How do you relax?
  18. What qualities do you value most in people?
  19. If you were offered free of charge: advertising in a good journal, lunch with the top managers of large companies, or spend your time with a beautiful girl, what would you prefer?
  20. What question would you like us to ask you?
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Co-founder and CEO of Daminion Software. I like traveling, cycling and when my colleagues smile at the office )