The new Daminion 4.0 version comes with two major improvements, a lot of minor ones and several bug-fixes.
1. Your tag structure (taxonomy) is now protected from unwanted changes during file import.
As you know, when Daminion imports images it reads the image metadata, saves it in the catalog and then displays it in the tag tree. This allows you to keep your database information synced with the metadata in imported files. But what if you want to import new stock images that may already contain large amounts of metadata that could easily mess up your existing tag structure?
The new Daminion 4.0 version can mark all newly imported tags as Unapproved, so you can easily separate imported tags from your approved tag structure (taxonomy).

2. Relationships between files.
Daminion 4.0 allows you to define relationships between files. For example, you can link and then display all artwork that uses a particular logotype. Photos can be linked to a model release agreement that features the linked photos, or you can find all source images and graphics used in a brochure or banner ad.

Links are bi-directional so you can for example specify that a Logotype that has been used on a Calendar contains a Font.
Minor improvements:
The devil is in the detail. Even apparently small improvements can make life a lot easier and have significant impact on your workflow. New features in Daminion 4.0 include:
- A file mask that allows you to exclude files and folders you don’t want to import
- The sort by filename function now takes account of numbers in filenames
- Tags can be selectively locked in the filter bar (by clicking on the lock icon in the search bar)
- “Shift Date/Time…” command (Item > Actions)
- Optimized performance of some queries
- Folders rescan faster
- Improved rendering of CMYK images
- Tags with large number of sub-tags (like keywords) expand up to 10 times faster in the tag tree
- Properties panel can now displays tags of items from the Tray and Linking panels
- Support for synonyms for the Project tag
- Advanced-search auto-complete feature now works when search text is found in the middle of a tag
- Minor improvements to the way tags are filtered in the tag tree. A list of filtered tags is now displayed similar to the tag tree
- “Locate in tag tree” command is now invoked by Enter or Double Click
- “Add tag to Query” command is now invoked by Ctrl + Enter or Ctrl + Double Click
- Pressing Ctrl key now updates the number of assigned items – similar to pressing the Ctrl key in tag tree
- “Exhclude tag from query” command is now invoked by Alt + Enter or Alt + Double Click
- Temporary MS Office files that start with the symbols – ~$ are ignored when importing
- “Find Visually Similar Images on the Internet” command now opens Google in your current locale
- Italian localization
- Items from Tray are highlighted by a green bounding box in Full Screen mode
- Confirmation dialog for Optimize command
- Option to display confirmation dialog when moving a tag to new parent tag
- Reading EXIF from some RWL and RW2 camera raw formats
- Miscellaneous minor improvements
Minor Improvements to Daminion Server:
- Daminion Server doesn’t have to be restarted after changing the password or adding new users
- REST API: resulting items can be additionally filtered by certain tags
- REST API: resulting items can be sorted when searching
- Added an option to switch off pinging when requesting a list of available Daminion Servers (useful when ICMP protocol is blocked by your company’s firewall)
- “Edit > Copy Names with Full Path” option is now available for Viewer role
- When importing files from a shared folder in the Parallels Desktop program, Daminion displays the Upload option in the Import window
- Locked Tags are now marked in the Tag tree
- It’s possible to reset password for Guest user
Some bug fixes:
- Fixed bug when Daminion Server stopped working after a certain period of time (after intensive rescanning)
- Fixed bug when the black screen randomly appeared when viewing images in Full screen mode
- Fixed bug when the Optimize Catalog command froze after launching for Server catalogs
- Fixed bug when moving items to another catalog
- Fixed bug when rescanning froze
- Fixed bug when duplicate items appeared in the tray
- Fixed bug when some tags were not removed from the Properties panel
- Fixed bug with importing CSV files
- Fixed bug when the “Create Categories from folder names” option didn’t work in the Import window
- Helper context menu now works in advanced search
- Fixed bug with entering City in the tag tree
- Fixed a bug when renaming files in batch
- Fixed bug with refreshing Tag Preset in the Properties panel
- Compare Windows is now launched on the monitor where Daminion is located
- Optimize command now removes all thumbnails from the “~Thumbs” folder and removes empty read-only tags from the catalog
- Synonyms of merging tags are now added to the resulting (merged) tag
- Fixed a bug when the “Copy/Paste Tags” command didn’t work from time to time
- Fixed bug with incorrect importing of Places tags via the “Catalog > Import Tags” menu
- Fixed bug when program crashed after zooming Thumbnail size in the thumbnail browser
- Fixed bug when two similar files were exported via the Publish panel
- Fixed bug when Auto-Rescan settings (Catalog > Auto-Rescan Settings) were ignored for the server catalogs
- Fixed bug when Editors could assign files to locked tags
- Fixed bug when umlaut symbols (Ä-Ö-Ü) were incorrectly imported from csv files
- Fixed bug when trying to run the Daminion Server service as an Active Directory user
- Fixed bug when tags with national symbols were incorrectly exported
- Fixed bug when moving items to another catalog
- Fixed bug with rendering some TIFF images
- Several other minor bug fixes
Special Big Thanks to our Contributors:
- Uwe Noack and Sedat Yakisir, for translating new German strings
- Peter Gebruers, for translating new Dutch strings
- Lionel Reynaud, for translating new French strings
- Jose Angel Calvo, for translating new Spanish strings
- Mariusz Lewandowski, for translating new Polish strings
- Monica Esteves Reis, for translating new Portuguese strings