Customer experience – Your DAM connects you to your users.

Dean Kruger
3 Min Read
Woman browsing online flower shop product line using laptop.
Browsing online shop’s products.

Customer experience in DAM systems – our modern day society is hungry for information. Above all, we want to have the latest information and products built into the customer experience. Every day we consume vast quantities of data. As a result, we look for exciting news, fantastic deals and sometimes we need to make a social connection online. Media in all it’s forms drives customer experience and brand sentiment.

FOMO: Marketing’s BFF

FOMO (short for Fear Of Missing Out) is the marketing team’s power tool. Firstly, to create market hype and secondly to drive brand loyalty. Marketers increasingly adopt creative ways to integrate the online and offline experience.

An investment in DAM technology like Daminion helps to navigate this landscape. Read more on how Daminion can help in your content management strategy.

DAMS – the bridge between media and your customer

DAM is the bridge to rich, immersive customer experience.
DAM is the bridge to rich, immersive customer experience.

A well-run DAM builds customer loyalty. Moreover, your DAM will set a customer experience standard. So, how do you maximize the role that your DAM plays here? Most importantly, how do we build those bridges to the customer experience?

Create a brand authority

Brand assets lie at the center of every creative campaign. DAM systems catalog and store those assets. Inconsistency will dilute your campaign. To clarify, when you use a single authority, there is no question if you are using the right asset. For instance, web, social media, marketing, and PR teams will use a consistent brand identity.

Metadata search advantage

Tired of hunting through complicated folder structures? Above all, have you had enough of messaging co-workers looking for the right image to use? Meanwhile, you are browsing folders, and work is piling up! Daminion DAM gives a sophisticated metadata-aware search experience. As a result, content teams are more productive.

Standardized consistency and governance

Daminion offers built-in version control and export presets. Every campaign needs many different renditions and versions. Imagine full control and oversight over many different sizes and formats! In short, your brand has to be consistent across channels.

Success in DAM is a hard sell.
Success in DAM is a hard sell.

Success is no accident

Digital asset managers need to be good at both sales and marketing. You have to market DAM systems to end users. You can only claim success when the majority of users buy in!

Know your user base. Start by defining your user’s needs. Understanding your user and the challenges they face is the first step. Use surveys, analytics, and also interview them. Finally, remember that the best ambassador for your DAM is a happy, productive user!

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Digital Asset Manager and Head of Research Department at Gatehouse Commercials. Daminion Administrator and User Training expert since 2011. I love street photography and find every excuse I can to go out and shoot unsuspecting strangers in the urban jungle.