Why does your marketing manager need a DAM? Keeping track of all the marketing activities in your company is a complex task. We get it. The most important part of the job is to plan, create and organise, manage and distribute high-quality content across different channels.
Dealing with large volumes of content is time-consuming. It is especially time-consuming without the right tools for the job. Organisation, even more than time-saving is where Daminion shines.
Marketing departments in many different companies trust Daminion Server to manage their digital content. Some of our long term Daminion customers work in companies like Electroimpact, Inc, Aerojet Rocketdyne, Stadsbader, Penetron, and Genneral Staircase. As well as TeraFlex, Queensland Reconstruction Authority, Glas Marte GmbH, Jabornegg & Plffy ZT-GmbH, Boligselskabet Sjælland, Weber Massivhaus, Qatari Diar Vinci Construction (QDVC), amd.sigma, and Xypex. Additionally Manafort Brothers, ICI Homes, Hedrick Brothers construction, J.F. Brennan Company, Creative Edge Master Shop, NANA Regional Corporation. Also Hunter Contracting, NRCA-National Roofing Contractors Association, and, Lapp Structures
Access and discoverability in a marketing DAM
You have been in marketing for some time. So you know how important record-keeping is. Knowing where your marketing materials and assets are is half the battle. While you do not know where your digital assets are stored, there is a good chance that you will recreate them. As a result, without a marketing DAM you will waste time and money.
Above all, the most important benefit that Daminion will bring to your company is access. You only need a smartphone to access your content.
Picture yourself at a business meeting with an important new client. You did come prepared for your meeting with materials from your DAM. But during your meeting, your prospective client raises a use case that you do have material for… at the office! Using your smartphone, you quickly find and share those materials and win a new client!
It’s one thing to have constant access, but what if my content is not in my DAM? For all practical purposes, if it is not in your marketing DAM, it does not exist.
Daminion Server will act as a Single Source Of Truth for all your marketing content. Do you have an acceptable overview of your files and marketing content?
Centralised Storage in a marketing DAM
While your team or company is small, managing your content and the content creation and distribution process is easy. However, when your team or your content library grows, you will find this increasingly difficult. This is an obvious result of your day to day operations.
You will accumulate new team members and content as you go. It is literally like rolling a snowball downhill.
Daminion is designed exactly for that purpose! In short, Daminion is the best place to store, manage and search for your images, videos, presentation slides and documents. Giving you the edge to get your work done.
Share your marketing materials
How do you share your content? Do you send countless emails every day, resizing and attaching digital assets to emails? Copying files to filesharing services, like dropbox or box? With Daminion’s web client as your marketing DAM, you can create collections of files to share with a single password-protected link!
This gives the intended recipient access to view and download your files directly from your marketing DAM. So you do not have to struggle and hassle to get your files to the intended recipients. You can also use the built-in emailing and filesharing service functionality directly from the desktop client.
Brand consistency with a marketing DAM
While working on presentations, landing pages, brochures and digital flyers you will notice that a lot of content gets reused. The most common example of this is the ubiquitous logo search we do every day.
This is one of the top benefits of a Daminion marketing DAM, and also probably one of the key reasons that you would want to use it in your team. Your marketing efforts will be consistent across all platforms. With the added benefit that the next time you create a campaign, you do not have to start from scratch!
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A concise checklist to help you assess if your organization requires a DAM.