Dean Kruger

Digital Asset Manager and Head of Research Department at Gatehouse Commercials. Daminion Administrator and User Training expert since 2011. I love street photography and find every excuse I can to go out and shoot unsuspecting strangers in the urban jungle.
31 Articles

Latest Stories from Dean Kruger

From Phase One Media Pro to Daminion – your alternative to Media Pro

Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today, to remember Phase…

Digital Asset Management System? What is it?

A digital asset management system (DAMS) adds value to your…

Architects – the top 5 reasons why they use Daminion

Architects create and work with digital assets every day. As…

No network, no server, no problem! Host your startup’s DAM in the cloud.

Startup businesses face one of the most frequent objections to…

Customer experience – Your DAM connects you to your users.

Customer experience in DAM systems - our modern day society…

Taxonomy (a.k.a. controlled vocabulary) in DAM systems – what, how & why?

What are taxonomies? How do they work? Why are taxonomies…