How to tag images? AI Auto-Tagging. Magic Or Smart Solution?

Alex King
8 Min Read

AI Auto-Tagging

Digital content marketing includes many attractive and creative tasks but also routine work. Therefore, we strive to automate as many processes as possible to free the employee’s working time from monotonous work and realize the employee’s full creative potential. Try our AI auto-tagging to organize your archive!

When you start using the Daminion DAM system, you immediately save 10 hours per week because previously, the same routine tasks took much more time; now, it takes seconds.

Today we would like to open a Function observer heading in which we will write in detail about the Daminion functionality.

One of the most frequent questions from our clients is, “Who will tag our archive: us or auto-tagging at Daminion?”. Of course, the correct answer is Daminion, we have auto-tagging, but even artificial intelligence needs to be verified by a human. So, we advise tagging manually small image libraries (less than 5k files) or 5% of extensive image libraries (more than 5k files).

Let’s deep dive into details: how and what Daminion can tag for you auto-magically (this list is constantly updated because Daminion is evolving towards releasing you from routines) 

AI Auto-Tagging

AI Auto-Tagging archive

1) Many common objects in your images, like people, buildings, emotions, etc., can be recognized via Google Vision service. But don’t rely on AI too much. When writing this article (2021), no solution on the market could do a job better than a company employee.

Google doesn’t know about your internal patented production better than you do. It saves you some time, but results depend on the content type. It works very well with architectural, event, and nature photos. 

2) AI acknowledges dominant colors, image duplicates, and similar images and auto-tags them.

3) Face recognition. You need to tag the person only three times, and then the software will automatically admit and stamp all photos with this person in the archive. 

4) Detects location names based on GPS information. (Registered in our roadmap. Subscribe to get a notification when it is available).

AI Auto-Tagging for image archive

Technical information

Folder and file names. Any company tries to organize its imagery by folder and file structure far before realizing the need for a DAM system. People have already invested their time to build this structure, and Daminion can easily import it.

You are still able to search for folder and file names. A good thing with Daminion is that it can index the existing files without duplicating (like in the case of pure cloud solutions). And people in your company don’t need to change the way of searching for files before adopting the DAM system. It is a huge economy of time. Plus, some people are always against anything except increasing the salary.   

Image parameters, such as image dimensions, image orientation, transparent or opaque images, media format, image creation DateTime, color profile, DPI, images with or without GEOtags, GEO location, number of pages, video/audio length, camera exposure, camera and lens model, etc… 

Database information

You can find the last changed documents, files uploaded by a particular person or imported at a given time, most frequently viewed or downloaded assets, and files that were checked out or checked out by a given person.

Metadata inside the files 

Images might already contain some metadata written by photographers, photo agencies, image editing tools, external systems, etc… Daminion recognizes and reads EXIF, IPTC-NAA, XMP, Microsoft Office, PDF, Audio, Native Metadata from 100+ media formats, including Images, InDesign, AI/EPS, PDF, Video, Camera RAW, etc.

Import data from other systems

Daminion can import asset descriptions from other systems via CSV or Daminion API. 

Render quality thumbnails

Consider thumbnails as visual tags or data of your assets. You must browse for the correct file across thousands of folders without quality thumbnails or even thumbnails. It will be a quest for hours. Daminion can generate thumbnails for 100+ media formats.

Batch tagging tools

Some data still require human time. But thanks to batch tagging tools, one person might easily tag 5-10k images per day! Assign multiple tags to multiple images hassle-free. 

You see that Daminion can recognize and classify a lot of data while ingesting your digital archive library. It also gives you batch tools to speed up manual tagging. 

But another good news about organizing is that you most likely need frequent access to just 5% of your assets, for example, for recent projects or files modified since the past year. 

It means that the deployment of Daminion is pretty straightforward:

  1. Automatic tagging will be enough to make your searches x10 times faster.
  2. Organizing only 5% of your media library brings you to another level of organizing and speed of accessing your imagery.
  3. 95% of other assets might be organized by demand using batch tagging tools or stayed without managing. Because usually, 5% of images are the most frequently used assets. 


Daminion saves a lot of time for creative teams and instantly helps them find the correct documents by anyone in the organization. In addition, auto-tagging functionality in Daminion will help keep employee hours and money for the company.

With the help of auto-tagging, you can distribute photos according to the properties you need and find the image you need in seconds. But this happens only in a well-organized media archive library.

Without AI and batch tagging tools, it requires time and human resources. Unfortunately, some companies can’t allocate these resources and continue to work the old-fashioned way.

But with Daminion, you will get a breakthrough in your digital workflows once the files are imported and automatically indexed. And then another colossal breakthrough after batch tagging of 5% of the digital asset library.

Auto-tagging is relevant for small companies with compact archives and large ones with extensive libraries. Our technical support engineers will help you deploy, configure, and teach you to use Daminion.

As a result, the time from installing Daminion to when anybody in your company starts using Daminion will be minimal.

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CMO at Daminion Software. Talks about #daminion, #marketing, and #digitalassetmanagement.