Why does a marketing team in tourism need a DAM?

Dean Kruger
4 Min Read
Selling Paris? Your marketing team in tourism need a DAM.
Selling Paris? Your marketing team in tourism need a DAM.

When marketing a tourism destination or experience, images and video are crucial! Above all, what makes potential clients burst with wanderlust? Marketing teams in tourism need a DAM to find those breathtaking, flawless images of prime travel destinations.

You already invest a lot of money in your digital assets. Why spend more on another system? To maximise their value. Make life comfortable working with them. And yes, utlimately save time. There are many benefits to having a DAM.

Does a DAM system benefit my marketing?

In short, the most valuable resource at your disposal is time. Imagine a world where your workforce has extra time in the workday. Time to spend on creative tasks, planning, management and strategy. A marketing team in tourism need a DAM to save them valuable time!

DAM systems are made for sharing content. So your library of digital assets must be quickly and easily accessible. Your partners, clients and your marketing team need access to your creative content.

Find the right image to use

Selling Paris? Your marketing team in tourism need a DAM.
Selling Paris? Your marketing team in tourism need a DAM.

Imagine you are marketing a trip to Paris. In all likelihood, you have images of Paris in many different contexts. For example accommodation, activities, excursions, cultural and historical landmarks.

Without a DAM you have to search through files upon files. After all that searching, then choose an asset based on what you see. Daminion allows you to filter down your results with a high-performance search tool.

Tag all your assets with keywords, categories and descriptions. For instance, imagine searching for an outdoor café. It must be along the Seine taken in spring. Or, likewise, find pictures of all the modern art museums.

It is also worth mentioning that you can share collections of images.

Marketing holidays, trips and experiences to travellers needs up-to-date images. It’s vital that they are current, high quality and visually exciting. Tourism trends evolve, and destinations adapt to these trends. Consequently, a photo taken last year of a popular destination could be outdated. This is enough to deter prospects who are spoilt for choice.

Additionally, Daminion imports all embedded metadata. This means you don’t need to re-enter copyright information. Espicially not for images from creative agencies and photographers. During import Daminion captures file creation dates from cameras and the file system.

A system like Daminion gives you a virtual timeline. As a result, you can isolate years and seasons. Then look at them from beginning to end and select accordingly.

Social media made easy

Social media and marketing go hand in hand. You undoubtedly spend a lot of time sharing content and images. We have to use different social media channels. Consequently, each channel requires different formats and sizes. For example, take Instagram. You select your best photo. Then load it to Instagram only to find cropped and zoomed! Where is the result that you were after?

With a DAM system like Daminion, you can export your images to any preset format. Create and save presets for any platform!

Let’s talk about your business

OK, you are inspired by the idea of a DAM. Or, maybe you feel that your marketing team in tourism need a DAM. We would love to hear from you!


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Digital Asset Manager and Head of Research Department at Gatehouse Commercials. Daminion Administrator and User Training expert since 2011. I love street photography and find every excuse I can to go out and shoot unsuspecting strangers in the urban jungle.