A new minor Daminion 0.8.9 update is currently available for download. This is mainly a bug-fix version.
To get the latest version of the program visit our Download page.
Some bugs that have been fixed in this version of Daminion
- Server: Improved import speed for large files from shared locations
- Server: Version Control now only works for files uploaded to Daminion Server
- Server: Fixed program freezing after “Undo Checkout” operation with checked “Delete the local file copy” option
- Server: Fixed a bug with “Downloading” window freezing when double clicking on a server based file
- Server: Windows Event Logs are shown in the Daminion Server Administration panel when an error occurs during server launch
- Server: Optimized performance when importing files
- Server: Fixed several bugs in Daminion Administration panel
- Server: Fixed an issue with downloading large files
- Server: Server Installation process improved
- Server: Client and Server updating process simplified
- Server: Server installation now permits installation with an empty password
- Server: Fixed a bug with server disconnecting after checking out a large server based video file and then pressing the Cancel button
- Server: Fixed a bug with freezing “Write Metadata To File” progress for server based files
- Server: Added progress information on “Downloading” window for remote files
- Server: “Upload Files to Server” option now saves its state
- Server: Fixed a bug when date/time and dimension tags were displayed as text field in the Properties panel
- Sync state now recovered next time program is launched
- Fixed a bug where thumbnails disappeared after exiting Full Screen mode (in some cases)
- A report window now appears at the end of import if any files have failed to import
- Fixed an error when duplicate network location with, for example, different letter case appearing in the Catalog Tags Panel \\server and \\Server
- Fixed an error that appeared after dragging a tag value to the tag header
- Fixed a few issues when rotating images in Full Screen mode
- Fixed a bug when importing some PicaJet xml files
- Now, when thumbnail is selected it is reflected in the Preview window (as well as when you move the mouse over a thumbnail)
- It’s now possible to launch Daminion with – log_enable option. For example,
“C:\Program Files\Daminion Software\Daminion.exe” –log_enable - Daminion can now automatically check for new versions at startup
- Fixed a bug with wrong statistic calculation for some tags
- Fixed a bug when updating statistic after files have been checked in/out
- Fixed a bug when some folders are not displayed in Catalog Tags panel after importing
- Some other minor improvements and bug-fixes