Google Vision and Daminion – Auto tag your images

Dean Kruger
4 Min Read
Auto tag your images with Google Vision and Daminion
Auto tag your images with Google Vision and Daminion

The Google Vision platform recognizes image content and it is coming to Daminion Server soon! Certainly a game changer. As a result we can expect an auto tag feature in the next release.

About Google Vision

What is Google Vision? It is a computer vision product that runs on Google’s cloud platform. To clarify, Google offers two , both of which use machine learning to understand your images. Because this is a Google product, you can expect industry-leading accuracy.

Firstly, Google offers AutoML Vision, a product that let’s you train your own machine learning models. This would come in handy if you have a super specific domain of digital assets. Secondly, Vision API, the product that Daminion is currently integrating. This auto tag service offers pre-trained models able to recognize objects, faces, print and handwritten text and classify images into millions of categories.

Above all, the price of this auto tag service will make you smile! Firstly, your first 1000 units every month is free! Secondly, each subsequent 1000 units up to 5 000 000 is only $1,50. Lastly, for the heavy users (5 to 20 million units) the price drops to $1 per 1000 units.

Life is too short to tag images

Life is too short! Use Google Vision to auto tag.
Life is too short! Use Google Vision to auto tag.

The most soul-destroying task you can assign a DAMS user is tagging. It is a task that is initially approached with gusto. But with every tag assignment, over time, the will to live leaves you slowly. Seldom has a more onerous, repetitive, monotonous task sucked the will to live out of DAM users.

Haven’t you ever wondered: “There has got to be an easier way of doing this!” You could be working in an architects office, on a construction project or even use your DAM on campus. The dark cloud of that tagging backlog will hang over your head, wherever you go.

Auto Tag with Daminion

We invite you to take a look at our test integration page. There you can upload a few of your test images to see Google Vision in action.

Auto tag your images with Google Vision and Daminion
Example output – Auto tag your images with Google Vision and Daminion

The auto tag feature identifies objects in your images and then assigns a probability score (confidence level) to each tag. We can certainly see how this feature will shave months off your current workload. Keep an eye on this development in our software. Tagging your images is going to become a great deal easier. While our developers plan and incorporate this functionality into a tagging workflow, we will post regular updates on the progress.

Test drive Daminion’s Autotagging feature with your sample images now

Auto tag your images with Google Vision and Daminion and improve your mood!
Auto tag your images with Google Vision and Daminion and improve your mood!


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Digital Asset Manager and Head of Research Department at Gatehouse Commercials. Daminion Administrator and User Training expert since 2011. I love street photography and find every excuse I can to go out and shoot unsuspecting strangers in the urban jungle.