Webinar: The quickest way to find amazing locations for commercials and films

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Webinar for Film Industry Professionals

Join our 40-minute Webinar for Production Companies/Film Industry professionals.

Dean Kruger, Daminion expert

Host: Dean Kruger, Head of the Research Department, Gatehouse Commercials and Juice Film.

Hayley Bond Agnew, Amazing Spaces

Guest speaker: Hayley Bond Agnew, GM & Snr. Location Specialist of Amazing Spaces – the largest location specialist company in South Africa.

The theme of the Webinar is how to increase your chances of closing customers in such a competitive industry as film production by being able to put on presentations of location images and sample casts in a matter of minutes.

When you get a call from a prospective customer, you can be sure he also called your competitors. So, it’s essential for you to persuade him that your company can provide all the services he needs faster than anyone else.

This can be done by organizing your media library so that all the photos, videos and information you need is easy to find, to preview, and to share with your prospective client.

When searching takes seconds and all the shooting rates for a particular location are linked to the image, it takes seconds to issue quotations. As a result, your company comes across as a reliable partner to work with.

This workflow will be demonstrated in detail using Daminion – the most affordable Digital Asset Management software on the market today.

After the event, all attendees will receive a link on the Webinar recording
5% discount on Daminion.


1. Dean Kruger, Head of Research Department, Gatehouse Commercials and Juice Film:

1.1. Make your digital assets work for you:

– Your assets can only be of use if you can find them;
– Presenting references (cast and locations) is part of the process that can make or break your pitch to client.

1.2. Daminion feature highlights:

– Powerful search function: free your research department from hours of pointless searching and browsing, and get them focused on creating presentations in minutes;
– All relevant information is available at a glance: describe as much or as little as you choose;
– Control access to your files and prevent them from accidental deletion/editing;
– Options for remote access and sharing.

2. Hayley Bond Agnew, GM & Snr. Location Specialist, Amazing Spaces:

2.1. The working process before Daminion (business problem across offices in different cities);
2.2. Industry standard metadata integration = interop with website, i.e., batch tagging offline, uploading to site where metadata is available when uploading/importing;
2.3. Using Daminion in daily workflow to service requests from clients.

3. Answering questions

Webinar for Film Industry Professionals

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I work as a marketer at Daminion Software.