Export your media files, with selected conversion rules, with a single click. Your files will be optimized for uploading to Flickr or Facebook (as JPEG 1000 px). Or you can insert your optimized images into PowerPoint (as PNG 800 px – 72 dpi). Convert your files on demand without multiple file duplicates of different image sizes and formats!
The problem
Unlike Daminion, not all applications or internet services support 100-plus different media formats. This means that to upload a specific format to an online-service or to have it opened by a third-party application, it must first be converted to a supported format.
For example, it is better to email optimized JPEG images rather than large RAW images because:
- Camera RAW images take massive hard drive space, and they require huge amounts of time to be sent or received.
- Oftentimes, email servers limit the sending of large email attachements.
- Many people are unable to view RAW formats due to limitations of their image viewers.
- Facebook, Flickr, Fotki, and other social and media sharing services accept only certain types of media files like JPEG, PNG, and AVI.
The solution
Daminion will allow you to convert your media files on demand during export. The transformation won’t affect your original file. You will always keep an original file without multiple file duplicates of different image sizes and formats.
All necessary conversions and optimizations will be done during export, according to your selected transformation presets.