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This feature is only available in the web client in Daminion server 7.0 or higher!

Embedded links help you to integrate Daminion with CMS and other systems and save you the necessity to download your images to the local drive to upload them to the corporate CRM. Instead, you can now publish the image on your website or blog directly from Daminion via embedded links. 

Daminion will generate a static link to the image that can be used to display it on your website or blog without using Daminion resources.

To generate a static link for a file, click on the three dots icon on the thumbnail and select “Get an embed link”. You can select a transformation preset or an original file.

For some file formats (videos, audios, documents), you can only generate a link to the original file.

When a preset gets changed, the link will be updated if you click “Get an embed link again”. 

If a new version of the file is uploaded and you need to get a link to this new version, please click  “Get an embed link” again after checking the file in. 
